F.A.Q. – Frequently Asked Questions

Any unanswered questions? Please follow the link below and I will try to respond as soon as possible.


Can I use your images on my website?

The images are FREE to use online/presentations (such as Powerpoint/PDF-docs), as long as they are not somehow changed (resizing and overlaying with text allowed). Also, a link back to Nova Celestia is required.

For information about offline usage in (books/magazines/documentaries, etc..)

The images are not allowed for the use of game developers or websites such as MySpace.

Why are the images FREE to use?

I don’t have to rely on space art to put food on my table. But.. if you’re feeling generous I’d gladly accept 6+ figure donations, in US dollars. Really, I won’t mind. In fact, I insist 🙂

I want images I can print! Can I have them?

Of course! Contact me for the desired prints, and specify their intended usage. Though, the number of prints is limited to a few different motives, today. Adding more prints is my highest priority with this website.

There are a few conditions that come with my prints:

* I will not grant access to my prints to individuals who wish to use them as wallpapers. They are to be used by the astronomical media only (websites, books, magazines, documentaries, brochures, PowerPoint/pdf presentations, etc..).
* You may alter the image in any way you wish, including adding text to it, but I do not allow overpainting it! That includes changing the colors.
* No monetary compensation is needed.
* Also, I want to be given credit by mentioning my name (Fahad Sulehria) and my website (novacelestia.com). You may place this credit wherever you/your designers see fit. This still applies when you have customized the image to any extent.
* If the prints are going to be used in a video, just send me the title of it so that I can buy it when it is out. In the case of an online video, I would appreciate a link so that I can view the video for my own pleasure ;).
* Finally, if the print is going to be used in a book or magazine I’d like a free copy of it (My address will be available through mail when we discuss your access). Using several prints in the same book/magazine issue won’t affect the number of copies I want (1! only).

There are some situations when these conditions may be a hindrance to you, in which case you’ll have to present a good reason and then we’ll see.

Customized Prints?

Yes. Some illustrations are available in PSD format so that they can be customized according to your own needs. Go to the Prints page and see which illustrations are available for your own customization. To save space, they will be compressed in WinZip/WinRAR format, and they should be checked for viruses by those who download them. I give no guarantees about the compressed files being virus-free. All I can promise is that I would never intentionally send you a virus. I believe my computer is free from viruses, but you never know, right?

What is Nova Celestia?

Nova Celestia is the name of this website. Here you can find my astronomical illustrations and space art, portraying the universe, along with astronomical information.

“Nova” is a word from Latin, which means new, and “Celestia” means sky or heaven. I gave this website this particular name because I want to show how the universe looks like from other heavens and not just from the earth!

Note, Nova Celestia is NOT to be mixed up with the software Celestia!

What is your education?

About 2 years in software engineering, at the college level, and 2½ years of Multimedia Engineering (which I had to drop due to a family emergency), at the University of Lund, Sweden. Along with that, I have taught myself about space and its’ wonders since I was a boy. 😉 To top